Thursday, December 31, 2009

Subang LaKe

After months of waiting patiently, I finally got to attend to my first photo shoot. Actually, it wasn't my first as I was in a photo shoot but only to provide assistance to the photographer. This time I was able to be the photographer but of course under the guidance of none other than Khai Shaun. The other photographers were Eu Gene and Eunice.

Reached Subang Lake at 8.00 am and the rest aren't there yet except Khai Shaun and his buddy. So, we decided to kill some time shooting natures while waiting for our model and the rest of the member to arrive. Here's the shots I took while waiting. Hopefully, I'll be in time to post up the rest of my shot by....tomorrow ? Never mind that now ! Enjoy the rest of the pictures below and comments are welcomed as usual.

Subang Lake 09

Subang Lake 09

Subang Lake 09

Subang Lake 09

Subang Lake 09

Nice butt Eu Gene. HAHAHA !! Juz kidding.

Subang Lake 09

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