Friday, May 8, 2009

SportS DaY

Goosh.. I even forgotten when was the exact date we had our Sports Day. On the 18th of April if I'm not mistaken. I know it's an event that took place long time ago but due to some certain reasons I wasn't able to post it up.

I hope you guys know what is a sports day as it'll spare me the trouble to explain the whole programme from morning till the end of the event. =P


Handshake. Good sportmanship huh ?


Mascot. Was the limelight during the march past event


I heard him singing during the march past

clap ! clap !

Have to say the scouts did something different, clapping to a song beat.


PC's cheerleader

March presentation

Armour's march past

Top olahragas

Top athletes. I heard one of them had a international acievement.


School's athlete

Run !

Sprinting !

High jump

High jump


wushu giving presentation as always


Trophy 1


Trophy 2

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