Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kate = Guy ?!!!

No one in the world will have that thought. Kate = guy. Seriously does Kate sounds like a guy name to you ?!!! I admit myself that the world has became a "better" place. Therefore, I shouldn't be surprise to experience weird stuff these days. But !! Kate = guy ?!!!

You guys must be shocked as well. This Kate = guy thing is said by an adolescence not a five year old kid ? And the Kate that I'm mentioning about is Kate Beckinsale . Yes ! The one that acts as the hottie and "leng lui" vampire in Underworld, the one that model in magazines like Allure and Mean, etc etc..

I mean who in the world can say that Kate Beckinsale is a guy !!! After the all her good acting and modeling, someone can actually come up with a conclusion that Kate Beckinsale is a guy.

This is the conversation I had with the clown.

J : This year got nice show leh ! Underworld ( Rise of the Lycans)
Clown : Underworld ?? Never heard before ( -.-)
J : It's the vampire and werewolf thingi loh. It's something like Twilight.
Clown : Oh... Who's the main actor/actress ?
J : Kate Beckinsale. woooot !!!
Clown : Kate ? Is a guy ah ?

The clown is..... Melissa Yuen !! Yes. To all Kate Beckinsale, you know who to hunt now. Alright enough said before my blood pressure goes up to high. Surely not a good way to start my schooling days.

PS : This post is meant for entertainment purposes only. Not intending to offend anybody. Sorry for the inconvenience. Enjoy.

PSS : Pls vote in the poll on the left hand side. Thanks.

Pics taken from

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