Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Somebody's got a baBy

Most people say that getting a D SLR these days are normal.

Guess what ? Recently I got *fill in yourself*. Then, around last Saturday ( I think) someone had already got a D SLR too.

I really didn't expect him ( yes is a boy) to get it so soon. These are the usual conversation if I asked him if he is getting a D SLR soon.

Me : so, when you getting ?

Him : not so soon lah...Wait for a while more.

So, for him to get it so soon it's kinda unexpected.

It's time to reveal the HIM.

HIM a.k.a Bryan or the future smoker

Wanna know his camera.

This is his new baby. I don't know it has a name or not. So, welcome to the club, brather

PS : Zach when you getting D3 ?

pic taken from

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